Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Redbox Weekend

We weren't feeling very hot last week after our trip from either allergies or a little cold bug, so we stayed home most of the weekend and watched some new flicks the were at Redbox. 
The first movie we saw, Pixels, was a lot of fun. As an avid lover of all things '80s (including video games), this was just a really cute walk down memory lane. Plus, I've never met an Adam Sandler movie I didn't like.
The next movie, Spy, was the one we'd really been wanting to see, and it did not disappoint. In fact, it was even better than we expected. Melissa McCarthy can do anything.
The third and final movie we watched, Tomorrowland, was a dud. Visually it was quite stunning, but we're both still trying to figure out what the plot was (or did it even have one?). 

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