Friday, November 27, 2015

Pinky's Fandance - Gregg Henry

I'm not going to lie: This one stumped me. Gregg Henry was at a premiere we attended last weekend and I kept watching him in the lobby wondering how I recognized him. I couldn't tell if I'd met him before, or remember his name, or what shows I'd seen him on. Finally, I asked a fellow photo op guy and he said it was John Heard. Hmmm. He claimed the hat was throwing us off. 
So, I took a chance and asked him for a picture. What a super nice guy! At first glance, he looked like he might be grumpy (I have no idea why), but he was a total sweetie. Of course, the photo op guy was wrong and this is decidedly NOT John Heard. Kudos to my husband for randomly seeing Gregg Henry on Slither and writing me to tell me who he was. Score! Gregg's IMDB page is far too long to list. He's been on everything! And I'd never met him before, so score all around!

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