Friday, November 6, 2015

Christmas Cards? Check.

As I've said many, many times over the years, I LOVE Christmas cards. And it's not like I'm Super Merry Christmas or anything, I just love receiving Christmas cards in the mail (especially photo cards). If you must know, I still have them hanging up in our house from last year - they're so pretty! 
Last night we picked up our Christmas cards and I can't wait to get them all stamped, addressed, and ready to be sent out. Of course I'll share it with you (much, much closer to the holiday), but I've got to focus on getting them prepared to be sent out the day before Thanksgiving.

I made the mistake of talking about this on Facebook last night and all it did was open it up for people to ask to be put on our list. No offense to anyone, but I've got my list pretty set, thankyouverymuch. I do not need to be sending more out.

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