Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Disney Day

On Sunday, Keith and I decided to head to the park to finally see the new magic in Peter Pan and to try out the Eggs Benedict at the Carnation Cafe (which are amazing, by the way. The service, however, left A LOT to be desired). 
When we first arrived, it was overcast, but we were hoping to avoid the rain...
Sadly, this was not to be.
Thankfully it didn't last long and before we knew it we were taking weird pictures with Stormtroopers.
We did get to see the awesome overlay at Haunted Mansion - it's so cool!
The end of Haunted Mansion.
Our fun photo op.
We stopped to see Tigger, Eeyore, and Pooh.
Big hugs all around!
Whee! We're with Tigger!
More hugs!
Fun with Pooh.
Is it wrong that I totally loved this hat?
The Force is strong with this one.
We even got to ride the Mark Twain boat, which was a first for me. So neat!
Keith waving from the front of the ship.
Our amazing seats at the front of the boat.
One of the incredible views. Such a great day!

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