Monday, October 19, 2015

Bling Shopping

On Saturday we headed out to the Downtown Jewelry District (did you even know such a place existed? I didn't!) to find some custom made bling for my finger.
When we initially got engaged, it was such a spur of the moment thing, that we didn't have a ring. Back then, we used every cent we had to get married, so the ring wasn't a priority.
Now that our two year anniversary is rapidly approaching (only a week away!), we finally are able to pick up that long desired ring. Hooray!!!
While shopping, we also came across this hidden gem of a street.
Keith was stoked to discover hidden treasure!
 We also had the perfect ring made....but, alas, it wasn't ready to come home with us yet.
Hopefully we'll be able to pick it up soon....and, of course, I'll share pictures of it when I finally get it. Can't wait!

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