Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Third Stop: Dallas, TX

I got a little excited driving into Dallas, as I'd never seen that part of the state before. I guess I didn't realize how big it was before I saw it. 
We had a bunch of friends around the area there, as well, but it was hard to get around with everything so sprawled out. Sadly, we didn't get to visit anyone. :( Boo.
We did, however, get to see a BB-8 remote control droid. LOVED it!
It's so cute!
They also had an amazing drink list for the show based on stuff from the film.
Speaking of drinks, I changed mine up to a tequila one. Slurp.
Someone brought Keith an Adventures in Babysitting book to sign. So cool!
And a counter stand!
Someone came dressed as Thor.
And my girl, Judkins, came to visit.
Here we are with Judy's family.
Keith got to see his friend that he worked with in The Keith Coogan Experience (look it up).
Devin moderated the Q&A and was a really cool guy to hang out with.
Keith's buddy.
My friend from our hometown stopped by, too. So neat.

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