Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Some Days You're the Bug

Some days it's hard to be a fangirl. Earlier this week I was hoping upon hope to meet my fave guys in Duran Duran as they performed on the Jimmy Kimmel show. This smile did not last long (despite being loaded up with Duran Duran fangirl necklaces and everything!).
The last time they were there (in 2010), not only was I able to get a great picture with Nick, but that's when he signed my leg that I then went on to get tattooed later that night. I was hoping for a similar experience this time, but, alas, it was not to be.
It's funny - for being such a HUGE band, I've been really lucky to have a few private encounters with Duran Duran over the years. The five photo ops I have with Nick were all in pretty calm situations with not too many others around. And maybe that's made me spoiled at this point, but I don't really like being in a huge crowd or having to call my TLF band over while being trapped in a barricade. I mean, OK, sure, as a fangirl, this is a normal place for me to be, but in relation to Duran Duran, it feels wrong. I'd rather be right next to them with no one else around (wouldn't everyone?). I'm much better one on one with people I really love. I just don't like fighting stupid autograph collectors or people who are barely fans. They piss me off. In the picture above, in the bottom left corner, you can see my purse. I was crunched in between the two guys leaning in (love you, Scotty), which was totally fine, but when John came over and I asked for a picture, he replied with, "Just TAKE it!" Um, not my ideal encounter.
Worst of all, Nick didn't even come over. Oh, sure, they all came over after I left, but apparently the crunch was so bad that I would've been smashed and pictures weren't possible. That would've made me even more bummed than I already am. All I have to show for the day was a horrible sunburn. BOO!

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