Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Redbox Weekend

We haven't just holed up and watched a bunch of movies for a long time, so it was awesome to do just that this past weekend. Some were much better than expected and some were, tragically, awful. Here are my quick reviews/recommendations:
GET HARD: This was MUCH better and funnier than the trailer made it out to be. We loved it.
FOCUS: I still couldn't tell you what this was all about, or how it ended. No, I didn't fall asleep; it just didn't make sense. Still, it was fun to watch for Margot Robbie alone.
ALOHA: This was one of the worst things I have ever seen. How they convinced the cast to make this piece of garbage is beyond me. Cameron Crowe should be ashamed of himself. We deserved better.
THE DUFF: Possibly my fave one of all, The Duff was a pleasant surprise. Fun, witty, romantic, and smart - everything you'd want in a cute little teeny bop film.
THE LONGEST RIDE: This was fine. It's Nicholas Sparks, so you know it's going to be sappy with some old story weaved in for who knows what reason. It was fine. I didn't hate it.
Of course, the main reason to watch is pictured right here. SLURP.

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