Monday, September 21, 2015

Pinky's Fandance Redux - Uzo Aduba

Once in awhile you meet a person who is just so genuine and sincere that they make everyone around them better just by being near. Uzo Aduba, in addition to being incredibly talented and beautiful, is one of those people. I cannot even begin to explain how impressed I was by her this weekend. I mean, WOW. Truly an incredible person.
At the party on Friday night, she got completely surrounded by autographers. I mean, she got surrounded. I wanted someone to rescue her. Thankfully, at the BAFTA tea on Saturday, she was incredibly calm and took control of the entire situation. She was so calm, in fact, that she made the entire group calm. It was something to behold. She not only took time for every single person, she asked for your name (and then remembered it!). When I posted our picture on Instagram that night, she even liked it and commented that it was nice to meet me (!!!!).
In the middle of her busy Emmy weekend, she's responding to fans? Come on. That's beyond amazing.
When I saw her again at the Emmys, she was just as sweet. I'm SO thrilled that she took home her well-deserved Emmy. Congratulations, Uzo! You truly deserve it.

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