Thursday, September 24, 2015

Last TX Stop: Lubbock

Lubbock was the last stop on our Texas tour and, boy, were we tired. The fact that we had to drive over five hours to get there just made it even worse. If we ever do the tour again, I think we should start there (just to get that drive out of the way).

As we made our way across the enormous state of Texas, we continued to be in awe of the low gas.  
We found this sign at a rest stop and it made us chuckle. Who's walking livestock around?
By the end of the tour, we'd pretty much nailed our set up. We were ready for business!
These were the guys in charge of the theater there. Very cool.
Look at that cute boy!
More views of our table.
If only Lubbock wasn't a college town....perhaps they'd buy something. Oh, well.
This is the sign for the bar attached to the theater. I loved how the bubble rose from the glass.
They even had an arcade game with free play! My dream!

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