Monday, September 28, 2015

Last Stop: Denver, CO

I've gotta say, as much fun as we've had on our Alamo Drafthouse tour, I'm quite relieved not to be traveling again for awhile! Too many planes in too short of time. 
On our way to our flight on Thursday morning, we ran into both Andre Gower and Judy Norton who were heading to Texas and Arizona, respectively. Judy was even on our first flight! Small world!
When we arrived in Denver, we were greeted by a driver. I'd never had a driver before! I felt very fancy.
 We loved seeing this up in the lobby!
This fan made Keith an amazing clock.
So cool!
This fan came wearing a shirt she'd bought from our awesome friends at - and then bought two more shirts from us! Score!
Look at all the great shirts!
So neat to see Adventures in Babysitting up with all the current films.
This carpet was in one of the airports we passed through. I just loved the subtle airplanes on the pattern.

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