Tuesday, September 22, 2015

First Stop: Houston

OK, I guess I should finally recap our Texas tour. 
Our first stop was Houston. The trip started with a fun plane ride where we met some awesome flight attendants. We loved them! Then, we got to see how freaking cheap gas is in Texas. Who knew?!
We got in fairly late the first night, so it didn't leave us much time for adventures. The next day we had lunch with some friends we'd met the last time we were in Houston - it was awesome! What a treat. Dax and Stephanie are amazing and we had a blast. 
Here's Keith before the show....
Packing up all our merch!
When we got to the theater, we saw the incredible photo op they'd created. We loved it!
My dear friend Jim stopped by to say hi. Love him!
Some of the earrings I'd made...
Some of the incredible shirts made by www.rainbowalternative.com -  she does awesome work!
A sample of the cool plates we have for sale.
How the photo op looks turned.
My handsome hubby doing his Q&A after the film. Thanks, Houston, you were great! And huge thanks to Dax and Stephanie for all their hard work with our merch table. We couldn't have done it without them.

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