Monday, September 21, 2015

Camera FAIL

As every good fangirl in LA knows, there are a few parties that happen once a year that aren't to be missed. One of them occurred this weekend and I thought I had everything ready - camera charged, comfortable shoes, and a book to read if/when bored. 
What did I forget to do? Check the camera to be sure it was working. By the time the first person arrived, I realized my camera was dead dead dead. So, my iPhone had to be used for the rest of the night. This caused many, many problems.
Here are a few examples of my crap photo opps. Egads. They're awful, right? I mean, I should have just gone home.
Thankfully I'll know better for next time that more than one camera should always be taken! Especially to parties that really count. Blurgh.

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