Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Pinky's Fandance - William Shatner

When I learned that William Shatner was going to be at The Hollywood Show, I knew we just HAD to get a picture with him. I mean, come on. The guy's a legend! I LOVED him on Boston Legal - that show was magical. 
Pictures were scheduled for 3 p.m., but we had fans at our booth and didn't make it to the photo area until 3:14 p.m. Now, usually, these things take a ton of time. Not this time. No one was there! I pretty much had a panic attack on the spot thinking we wouldn't get our picture (don't judge me), but luckily (and obviously), it all worked out. Huge thanks to my patient and loving husband for calming me down and waiting the extra time for our picture. Also, thanks to the people at the show who helped track Shatner down so that we could get our picture after all. Phew!

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