Saturday, August 1, 2015

Pinky's Fandance (Trivia Edition) - Nick Rhodes

Yes, I realize we've all seen this picture before (isn't it amazing?!!?), but what you may not have noticed before is that Nick's girlfriend, Nefer, is right behind Nick to the left. You can see her black shirt and how her skirt matches his tie.
It's funny, it took me awhile to notice she was in the pic. I don't even remember seeing her that night - as this picture happened in the blink of an eye. Seriously, it was all done in a flash. I'd been worried that he might not be as cool to stop for pictures with the girlfriend around, so I was thrilled to see I was wrong. Love you, Nick! And we all know your tie is a secret nod to your love for me. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I wish!

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