Monday, August 17, 2015

Disney with the Parentals

My mom and step-dad, Mike, came to visit last week for a few days to see Keith's play on Friday night. As we were booked all weekend, the best time to come was Thursday/Friday. I ended up taking a half day off on Thursday and whole day off Friday to hang out with them. We had SO much fun!
When they arrived on Thursday, we headed down to the park. Although I've been wanting to take them to Disneyland forever, I had no idea they'd have so much fun. It was awesome to see!
On the tram heading to the park.
The lovebirds at the "obligatory picture spot."
The gang!

Me and mom.
Watching the parade.
In front of the Castle all decked out for the 60th anniversary.
Keith braving the Matterhorn.
We just happened to run into my old Junior High bestie, Stacy, who was also at the park. So cool!
These pictures are my fave.
Especially this one! LOVE love love it! Had such a blast at the park with them. We'll definitely have to do it again when it's a lot less crowded and cooler outside.

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