Monday, July 20, 2015

Watch This: Ant-Man

One of the best things about my job are the employee screenings usually held during the opening weekend of a film.
This weekend's adventure was Ant-Man, which is something I probably wouldn't have seen on my own. Those are always the best surprises, right?
Although I still have a little bit of trouble imagining Paul Rudd as a superhero, I think overall he did a good job. At one point during the movie, Keith leaned in to me and said, "When you review this movie on your site, you need to tell them how much we freaked out when he first became Ant-Man and was getting swept up in the bathtub." And he's right - the first time he turns into Ant-Man was a lot of fun. What made it even better was that he could go from big to small almost simultaneously, which even added to the adventure.
By far, the best thing about this movie was Michael Pena - his comedic role as Paul's ex-cellmate pretty much stole every scene he was in. I'm still laughing about some of his one-liners (and his delivery, of course). Well done, Michael.

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