Monday, June 8, 2015

Watch This: Entourage Movie

As my dad and I watched the Entourage series together, it was only fitting that we went to see the movie together, as well.
I'm not going to lie to you here: I didn't have high hopes for this film going into it. Sure, I knew I'd enjoy it, but I didn't expect to like it quite as much as I did. In short, it was awesome.
Aside from the bit of confusion surrounding Vinny's marriage (did he get married in the finale? I've totally forgotten), I thought they did a great job of bringing the fun qualities of the show to the film version.
In addition to bringing back all the side characters we'd grown to love, they introduced a few others which were just as fun. Haley Joel Osment in particular was perfect in his role as the "bad guy."
If you loved the series, I think you'll love the film - especially the ending. But even if you never watched the show, the movie is still a lot of fun. Check it out! Enjoy the ride.

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