Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Street Food Cinema + Raiders of the Lost Ark = AWESOME

One of Keith's favorite movies is Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, so when I saw that Street Food Cinema was showing it this past weekend, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see it on the big screen. 
Now, I remember seeing it when I was little, but apparently I don't remember anything about it. It was like seeing a brand new movie. Oops.
Street Food Cinema treated us like super VIPs - love it! How cool is our table?
We loved our fancy sign, too. So awesome!
Another reason I thought it'd be perfect would be to get Sammy out of the house. Between the heat and us being gone more (with Keith working), we thought he could use a fun night out.
As a bonus coincidence, Keith's friend Justin was the MC at the event!
This is Heather. She rules. She runs the event and is one amazing girl.
The dudes!
The girls! Such a fun night! Thanks for the VIP treatment! We had a blast.

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