Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Scotty's Funeral

This weekend we gathered together in Santa Barbara for my cousin Scotty's funeral. I'd been asked to speak at the funeral and was quite nervous about doing so.
This is Scotty's oldest son. I love the brave face he was putting on.
Most of our group (missing my dad and Keith - who joined us for the next group shot). 
My cousin Denny.
My sister, my cousin Matt, his wife Helena, my cousin Denny's wife, Kim, and Denny.
Shean family represent!
This picture made me break down in tears. Someone was obviously missing.
My cousin's wives are a crack-up. I really enjoyed seeing them.
The family gathered together.
My dad and his oldest sister.
My love.
Cousins. It was a hard and emotional day, but I'm so glad we were able to go and be a part of it.

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