Saturday, June 6, 2015

R.I.P. Sweet Cousin

Although I don't really like to talk about things that are too personal on here, I also find it therapeutic to write about things that are bothering me. After saying good-bye to my Uncle Steve last week, we came back home to learn that my cousin Scotty had gone missing. Sadly last night we learned he had passed away.
This is exactly how I remember him - so cute and smiley. Looked exactly like him mom, my Aunt Diane.
This is from several years ago when Phoenix was a baby.
We went to Vegas as a family and I can't even remember the year. 2005?  This was our cousin photo.
Group shot of the Shean clan.
My cousins Melly and Scotty.
A few years ago, we hung out with Scotty and his mini-me son at the beach.
I loved this shot of them.
Come on - he looked exactly like Scotty did as a boy.
This is from our wedding. I can't believe I'll never see him again. The tears won't seem to stop. My heart is breaking for his two young sons. R.I.P. sweet Scotty. We'll miss you.

1 comment:

Penoiram said...

Sorry for you and your family's loss...I hope sharing helped.