Friday, June 26, 2015

One Year. Eight Months.

Not that anyone's counting (ahem), but exactly one year and eight months ago today, I said, "I Do," to the greatest guy in the world.
Is marriage harder than expected? You betcha. Do we fight, quarrel, and slam doors? Yep (To clarify, I'm the one who slams the doors. I'm a child). But, would I trade a single day with this guy? Nope.
At the end of the day, this is the person I want by my side. Laughing, crying, yelling, fighting, what have you - I want to do it all with him.
I still don't  know what I did to be so lucky and have him in my life, but I'm so happy he's mine.
Happy 20 months, babe! Love you!

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