Sunday, June 28, 2015

How Not to Look During My Dream Come True

It's no secret that my biggest wish in life (other than a child, that is...ahem....) is a picture with Duran Duran. That's all. Just Nick, John, Simon, Roger, and me. In the middle. That's really all I want in life. Is that so hard? Actually, if Keith were in it, all the better. But I digress.
I stumbled upon this picture online the other day and was horrified by the facial expressions of these two random woman. I mentioned I have no idea who they are, right? I mean, the lady in orange is fine. She looks amused; I'll allow it. But the other one looks like she has no idea who they are. AND THAT IS A TRAVESTY. I mean, all I want in life is this photo opp and here she is LIVING MY DREAM and makes that face. COME ON. You are KILLING me, stranger. Plus, of course she's sandwiched right between NICK and JOHN (my two FAVES). GAH. I can't.

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