Thursday, June 11, 2015

Graduation #2 (aka More Water)

By the time the second graduation rolled around, we were still soaking wet. The first one was at 2pm and the second one was at 5pm. At one point I thought I may never be dry again.
Zane, at least, was very much enjoying the umbrella.
Look at the adorable Little Miss graduating from 8th grade!
So cute.
Uncle Jay and Zane.
Love this.
Family shot.
Sibling shot (with a bonus appearance by Zane).
The proud parents with their graduate (Erin had to warn me that in four years we'll have a college graduation ceremony, high school graduation ceremony, and Junior High ceremony around the same time. Let's just hope it doesn't rain!) 
Uncle Jay and Miss Phoenix Sue.
Family shot.
Auntie and the graduate!

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