Thursday, June 11, 2015

Graduation #1 (aka The Horror)

It's been starting to get hotter in LA this past week, so we were completely surprised by the horrible, awful, freezing and miserable rainfall that occurred during my oldest nephew's high school graduation.
This was taken just before the heaviest rain. Already it was looking bad outside.
The baby was in fine spirits until it got unbearable. Poor little pumpkin.
That's Spens walking second couple from the left.
I loved this shot - a little family watching their oldest graduate while taking care of the new little one.
As the day went got bad. Really bad. See, if we'd known this was coming, we could've brought blankets, jackets, anything warm. Instead we froze for hours.
The too-cool-for-school grad walking around the track.
The graduate with his proud parents!
Poor attempt at a family shot. Just pretend my hair isn't the worst thing you've ever seen. Ugh.
So proud of this guy!

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