Friday, May 1, 2015

Shonda Still Sucks

I'd like to say that after a week to mourn the loss of McDreamy (yes, I'm quite aware he's only a TV character; shut up), I was feeling a lot better about the show and looking forward to what lies ahead.
But after a week, I was still pissed at the sloppy way they handled McDreamy's exit. I started to think that watching his funeral would help (since I don't recall seeing many funerals in the past on the show), but, alas, the whole TEN SECONDS of funeral they showed us really didn't help much at all.
In a bizarre time-jump episode, they bored us to tears with a stupid debate between Bailey and her hot hubby, while also driving us crazy with that idiot Amelia (who does NOT work on this show. She was fine on Private Practice, but I hate her character here). We barely saw Meredith at all the first hour.
I'm sure they skipped over the funeral so that they'd be able to avoid the whole, "Why isn't Cristina there?" tirade that'd be coming afterwards. But, they missed another opportunity for closure and that's truly a shame. As I said last week, if they had to kill McDreamy, fine, whatever. But we all deserved better than the crappy way they did it.
At this point, I'd be fine with the series ending after next season. We've all lost our happy endings anyway; what is there to look forward to?
The characters who are left are missing the heart, passion, and humor that led me to fall in love with the show to begin with. So, for all I care, it can just end. Why continue to ruin what used to be a good thing? You suck, Shonda. I hate you.

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