Monday, May 11, 2015

Midnight Screening of Weird Science

On Friday night we were super lucky to hear about a midnight screening of Weird Science which included a Q&A by the star himself, Ilan Mitchell-Smith! Although we'd gone to a midnight screening of the film not too long ago, we couldn't resist seeing it with a Q&A. Plus, it's always great to see our friend, Ilan.
Proving just how cool of a guy he is, Ilan decided to go introduce himself to the line waiting to see the movie. How sweet is that? Loved it!
Of course we had to get an updated picture with him. Always so fun to see him.
Then, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to pose with his movie poster and point to him (yes, we're nerds. We know).  
I'm so glad we went because we ended up meeting some awesome people! Fun times.

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