Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! To all my friends and family with children, I wish you the happiest of Mother's Days. To my own Mom, I bring you on a walk down Memory Lane.
Love this shot of my mom from when I was very, very small. Plus, her long hair rules!
My mom has me, my Pop has my cousin Netty on his lap. So cute!
I love this shot because, well, I'm all in pink. Plus, it has my mom and her mom in the shot.
 All together now....awwwwww....
My mom was very hands on as we were growing up. Here she is helping out with our Bluebird troop.
My mom is a loyal friend. Here we are at Disneyland with one of her besties from high school. I'm not sure why I tower over the rest of the kids (but I'm now the shortest, so I'll take it). 
This is from when my sister and my mom came out to Utah to pack me all up. To say it was a HUGE task would be an understatement!
Hanging out with Jay's family and Erin's family (several more members added since then).
Hanging out with Jay.
Hanging out with me and my sister.
Love this shot from the wedding.
Another show of the girls! Happy Mother's Day, Mom! We love you!

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