Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Happy Me!

There are very few things in this life that I love more than a birthday....especially my own. I'm not above telling every person I see on the street that it's my special (and, therefore, everyone should bow down to me - HA!).
Of course, I blame owe this to my mother, who made sure to treat each and every birthday like it was the biggest thing on earth. It's no surprise I grew up birthday crazed. I love it! Thanks, Mom!
I was born 100 42 (!!!!!) years ago on May 13th at 5:13 a.m.
So, this is me at 42. Isn't this necklace adorbs? My friend Rachelle sent it to me. Love it!
This made me laugh.
Hope you're wearing pink today in honor of my big day! :) Ha! Happy Birthday to me!!!!

p.s. Yes, I know this post was obnoxious, but that was intentional. Please make a note of it.

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