Monday, April 20, 2015

Tina & Lani's California Reception

Don't worry, there are still plenty of pics from the Star Wars convention to share, but I wanted to also post some pictures from the beautiful California wedding reception we attended this weekend for our dear friends Tina and Lani. Loyal readers may recall we attended their wedding in Hawaii in December; but this reception was for those who couldn't make it to Hawaii (as well as for those of us who did). 
I was super excited to see my good friend, Katrina, whose been one of my nearest and dearest since we were in Junior High.
Actually, 99% of these people I've known that long - we're a tight group!
I love this picture!
Allycat's photobomb is the best.
The happy couple.
With the beautiful bride.
Me and Kat showing off our cookies. :) Great day!

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