Friday, April 24, 2015

Screw You, Grey's Anatomy

I apologize in advance for the rant that's about to happen, but I'm really, really, really angry (also, SPOILER alert. If you haven't watched it yet, please stop reading until you do. I wouldn't want to ruin such a horrible episode for you). I feel hurt, betrayed, and completely dismissed as a fan. Last night's episode of Grey's Anatomy left me emotionally scarred and I blame Shonda Rhimes personally. She can suck it.
Yes, I realize it's just a TV show, but just as Cristina Yang is Meredith Grey's "person," Grey's Anatomy is MY show. My love. My guilty pleasure from week to week. Sure, there are others that I love, but for ELEVEN years I've been hopelessly and endlessly devoted to Grey's Anatomy. It's my "must watch" thing every week and I own every episode on DVD. I used to watch every episode twice to be sure I didn't miss anything and then read all the writers' blogs to catch up on their inspirations for the show. That's how much I love it.
But last night they killed off McDreamy. THEY KILLED MCDREAMY!!!! Who kills McDreamy? Who kills the heart and soul of the show? No matter how many people they've killed (and, trust me, it's been a lot), the best part of the show has always been the love story between Meredith and Derek (or MerDer, their cutesy couple name). They're my favorite. And I'm devastated.
Now, granted, McDreamy has been gone most of the season and I've totally missed him. But then they finally brought him back only to KILL him?!? And not just killed him, no. If they'd just killed him, I'd be OK. I'd be bummed, but I'd recover. Others have left/been killed and I didn't hate the show. Because it was done in a graceful, loving way. But, this? This was tragic.
The show started with a car accident. Not McDreamy's, the cars in front of him. So, for the first half hour, he was shown as the hero that he was - rescuing all the victims and saving their lives. He wasn't injured, he was fine. Then, as they drive away in the ambulance, he reaches down to get his phone and a semi-truck PLOWS into him. Um, what?!?! First of all, come on. Second of all, they should have just killed him then. But, no. They did the worst possible thing they could do: they let him die when he didn't need to. They took him to some stupid, idiotic hospital that we've never heard of with incompetent doctors and then showed him narrate his death as they never got the CT they should've ordered to save his life. COME ON!
I was literally screaming at the TV. Here's this award winning neurosurgeon who died from a slow brain bleed because some moron doctors weren't good at their jobs? Why wasn't he at Grey-Sloan memorial surrounded by friends? At least they would've done all they could to save him. If he died because there was nothing left to do, fine. But, these doctors were the WORST. He was stable and then died of a brain bleed. He was braindead and Meredith had to PULL THE PLUG. Are you kidding me?!?!? McDreamy deserved better. The fans deserved better. Everyone else had a hero exit - even Dr. Burke who was fired for using a gay slur - and yet McDreamy gets that sort of treatment?!?! Screw you, Shonda. Whatever personal problems she was having with him, she should have left them outside the writing room because that was just wrong. I'm so pissed off. I'm not even sure I ever want to watch the show again. For all I care, they can end it right now because it's OVER. Without McDreamy the heart of the show is gone, as is my loyalty. SCREW YOU, SHONDA. I HATE YOU. Please note the ALL CAPS was completely intentional. I hope you can see me flipping you off right now.

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