Wednesday, April 15, 2015

International Table Top Day

Apparently, Saturday was International Table Top Day. I'm not really sure what that means/entails, but to celebrate, we were invited out to play games with Ilan Mitchell-Smith's gaming club. Yep, the same Ilan that was in Weird Science. He's awesome. We love him.
Keith decided to bring along one of his favorite games, Killer Bunnies. He was ready to play!
Here's an overview of the room. I spent most of the time crocheting. I was in my happy place.
Keith and Ilan played Star Wars X-Wing Fighters. Keith won!
Boys being boys.
One of these guys I had a huge crush on in 1985....and the other one is my husband (who I have a huge crush on now!).  
These pics crack me up!
Fun times!
I love how much Ilan is laughing.
Pew-pew! Thanks, Ilan, for inviting us!

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