Wednesday, March 18, 2015

See This: Cinderella

Sunday morning we were very lucky to be able to screen Cinderella at the Disney lot. It was something I'd been looking forward to for weeks.
Now, of course I wanted to see this movie as soon as I saw the trailer for it, but I had no idea just how much I'd love it.
Friends, I'm not even exaggerating a little bit when I tell you that this movie is perfection. It is simply perfect in every way.
I loved the cast, I love the outfits, and I loved the story. Of course we all know the story by heart, but the film was able to expand upon something we already love. By adding rich relationships between Ella and her parents and the Prince and his father, it adds a new level of heart to the story.
Honestly, I was crying pretty much throughout the film. Because it was so beautiful, powerful, and lovely. I couldn't wait for more. I loved it.
Another great thing it does is make Ella self-sufficient. She obediently tries to live her life by the motto given to her by her mother: "Have courage. Be kind." This is repeated over and over in the film and every time was more powerful than the last.
The visuals were amazing - especially Ella being transformed for the ball. Such a beautiful and fun scene!
I can't wait to watch this movie over and over and over again.
My favorite thing she wore was her wedding dress at the end - so gorgeous! Friends, I highly recommend that you run, not walk, to the theater immediately and see this film. You'll be glad you did!

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