Monday, February 2, 2015

Two Year Meetaversary

Two years ago today, at a random autograph show in Hollywood, I met the man who would become my husband eight months later. Although I didn't know it at the time, meeting him would change everything - and, suddenly, every step I'd taken up to that point seemed to make sense. Even though we didn't see each other for two months after we met (his fault, not mine), I missed him in a really odd way. I mean, how could I miss someone I'd just met? 
To say it was love at first sight would be an understatement; we were electric. These pictures were all taken on the day we met. I've never clicked with anyone the way I clicked with Keith and our back-and-forth started immediately. Our hearts seemed to recognize each other in a way that our minds were unable to process. I'd searched for him my whole life and then there he was in front of me. Finally. I'll always be grateful for attending that show and for Keith agreeing to do it (as it was his very first autograph show). Happy "Meetaversary" babe!

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