Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Comeback Kids Premiere

Last night was the big premiere for Keith's latest project, The Comeback Kids. It's a really fun show and the best part is that he gets to play "the villain," Keith Coogan!
Isn't their logo great? I love the "rewind button" look of the "K."
At first we were thinking Keith should wear a suit, but considering I'd just got these great items for him from, we thought it'd be perfect for him to wear. He looked great!
Here we are ready to head to the premiere. Yes, Keith chopped his hair (and no, I don't want to talk about it.....).  
Keith was met at the theater by autograph seekers who'd printed up pictures of him to sign. Love it!
Here's a shot I tried to get of Keith posing on the red carpet with the other stars from the show.
Fun seeing Gabe and Jeremy at the premiere! Dean Cameron is one of the comeback kids in the show.
Keith posing with Scotty Schwartz, Richard Horvitz, Melissa Disney, and Ryan Paul James (who created the show).
During the closing credits, I was able to grab this screenshot with my phone. Keith was SO funny in the show (and I'm not just being modest - it was a unanimous feeling in the room).
Keith Coogan playing...Keith Coogan.
Loved this shot of Keith and Scotty during the Q&A. I wish I'd filmed some of Bernie Kopell - he had the funniest stories!
Our crew!
Our girl, Erin.
More crew!
Loved having all our favorite people together. Such a fun night! :)

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