Tuesday, February 17, 2015

See This: Kingsman

Big thanks to my dad for coming down on Sunday afternoon to see Kingsman, which Keith and I had been looking forward to seeing for awhile. We were supposed to go to a screening last month with Mark Hamill (who has a brief cameo), but Sammy got sick so we ended up staying home with him.
Now, this movie isn't for everyone because it's quite violent. In fact, there were several times when I had to avert my eyes from the screen.
But overall it's a lot of fun. The cast looked like they were enjoying themselves and I really liked seeing Colin Firth play an action hero.
This newcomer isn't hard on the eyes either. In fact, he's quite dreamy.
This was made by the guy who did the Kick-Ass movies. So, if you like films by Guy Ritchie or Quentin Tarantino, this is right up your alley. Check it out!

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