Saturday, February 14, 2015

Luckiest Girl in the World

For the longest time I was looking for my "other half," my "split apart," my one and only. I looked long and hard; I looked all over the world. After exhausting all my resources, I'd almost given up on ever finding a love that was worthy of the hype.
And then one day, totally out of the blue, I met the man who would become my husband. And, suddenly, everything made sense. One look in his eyes and I knew this was my destiny. I can't explain how I felt without sounding like a crazy person. All I know is that the few months between us meeting and then seeing each other again (which was over a full two months) were the longest months ever. And I missed him like crazy (which also made no sense considering I barely even knew him).  
Although now it feels like that happened a really long time ago, in reality it was only two years ago. Last year was our first Valentine's Day together and this will be our second. I can't believe it! There are times it feels like we've been together forever, so it's odd to know that our love story really just began.
Although I was discouraged in my single life, deep down I always had a glimmer of hope that "my destiny" was out there. And so today, on what could sometimes feel like the loneliest day in the world, I want to tell you this: Don't give up. Don't ever keep looking. Don't ever throw in the towel. Everything will work out how it should. Not to be a total cliche', but it's true. Love will find you.
In the meantime, live your life to the fullest and have a wonderful time celebrating all the things that make you unique and special.
Today, on this day of love, I want to express my gratitude for the incredible man I get to spend my life with. I'm the luckiest girl in the world and I still pinch myself that we were somehow able to find each other. Thank you, Keith, for being such a wonderful valentine - not just today, but every day of the year. And to everyone else, Happy Valentine's Day (or Happy Pink Day)! Always celebrate love.

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