Friday, January 23, 2015

Pinky's Fandance - Ellar Coltrane

Ever since I finally saw Boyhood, I've wondered about the boy who played the main character, Ellar Coltrane. It was fascinating to watch him literally grow up on-screen right in front of your eyes in the film which was shot over the course of 12 years. How did Richard Linklater know that Ellar would grow up to be so interesting? I mean, he must've cast him at age five. That's amazing. I don't even think Ellar was an actor. Maybe he was; I'm not sure. I read some article that said Richard chose the boy who had the best stories. But even then, I don't know how he knew that was going to translate well on film.
I was so excited to meet Ellar in person (although I'm pretty sure I totally pronounced his name incorrectly. Ooops). I was able to gush to him about how much I loved the film, which I'm sure he's heard a million times, but he seemed to take it in stride (if not a bit weary, but it was late in the evening after the Globes). I hope he's enjoying awards season and all the accolades coming his way.

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