Saturday, January 17, 2015

Pinky's Fandance - Charlie Weber

Sometimes I just need to trust my instincts and ask people for pictures. I realized too late that I passed by someone I see on a show all the time the other day (thinking it was a friend and not someone from TV); thankfully, in this case, I asked for the picture and then figured out who it was after. 
I was so thrilled when I realized it was Charlie Weber from How to Get Away with Murder and the new 90210! I'd totally researched him for the panel a few weeks back, but didn't expect to see him, so I wasn't on my game. When I saw him, I knew he looked familiar, but wasn't sure how. So, I asked for the picture and only realized after meeting Jack Falahee that Charlie was another guy from the same show. DUH. Anyway, super stoked about this one.

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