Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Snorkeling at Captain's Cook Monument

One of our favorite things we did on our honeymoon was to snorkel over by Captain Cook's monument. At the time we didn't realize how much we'd love it, so we only did a short afternoon snorkeling adventure. After we realized it was amazing, we wished we'd gone longer.
Needless to say, the first thing I did when booking our trip was to find a morning snorkel tour. We ended up going with Kona Style and it was awesome - we pretty much had the boat to ourselves except for Jimmy Rock, the crew, and one other family.
Beautiful day for a snorkel!
This was the bay right before we left. To the right is the 50' catamaran we went on.
About to embark on our adventure!
Look how cute my husband looked on the boat.
The bay where we snorkeled.
Even more cheese!
Shaka, bra! We're snorkeling!
We're on a boat!
With the crew after our adventure! Wahoo!

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