Tuesday, December 23, 2014

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas....

This weekend we were inspired to get into the holiday spirit. We started by picking up this adorable mini tree for our apartment. Love it!
I'd been given some super cute ornaments as gifts, so we needed a place to display them. We also found some perfect pink lights and an assortment of fun stuff for the tree.
I was also looking at the best way to display the influx of amazing holiday cards in our apartment. I saw this online and thought I'd give it a try. So far it's working out great (we just need to add another row now).  
For our stockings, I was going to do something creative, but ended up using pre-made felt letters for our names.
Of course Sammy had to have a stocking, as well! I think he was pretty happy with the one we found for him. :)

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