Monday, November 10, 2014

See This: The Theory of Everything

I'm not going to lie - when I first heard that The Theory of Everything was about the life of Stephen Hawking, my first thought was, "Yawn. Sounds boring."
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Stephen Hawking, I'd just never been interested in knowing more than I've already heard. Well, I was wrong and I'm not too proud to admit that.
The Theory of Everything begins when Stephen was in college, shortly before being diagnosed with the disease they said would end his life within two years. It's about him, his mind, his disease, his wife, their love story, their family, and the challenges they face over the next thirty years.
Eddie Redmayne's performance was simply spectacular. I cannot even believe the lengths he went to in order to master Stephen's degeneration. It's mind boggling. All I know is that they both need to start planning on what to wear to the Oscars because there's no doubt they should both be nominated.
I love this picture of the two leads with the real Stephen Hawking. So cool.
I took this during the Q&A and I loved seeing how well Felicity and Eddie got along in real life. This film is incredible and both me and Keith were in tears for a good part of the movie. It's inspiring, it's touching, it's well made, and it's beautiful. I cannot recommend it higher - go see it!

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