Thursday, November 13, 2014

My Dad Rules

My dad is so freaking awesome. After contracting cellulitis (aka blood poisoning) in my leg for the, oh, millionth time, he was telling me he saw something on TV that could help. See, the reason I get it is because of my wonky feet and how dry they get. My feet get cracks, bacteria gets into the cracks, and then I get blood poisoning. Luckily Keith took me to the Urgent Care early enough that the antibiotics started relatively early this time.
The other night, my dad not only went out and bought me the product to help my feet, but he drove it down to our house as a surprise. How sweet is that?
Seriously, I'm the luckiest girl ever. I feel so loved!

1 comment:

  1. I also have problem with dry, cracked feet. Have you tried Amlactin? It's lotion. You can buy at Target and Costco. You usually need to ask for it from the pharmacist. It has lactic acid in it. Use on your feet every night and it keeps dead skin from building up. Just remember to wash hands after so you don't accidentally rub it in your eyes.
