Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hearst Castle

Despite growing up about an hour away from Hearst Castle, I'd never been there until our anniversary. I'm not going to lie to you: I wasn't overwhelmed. I know a lot of people go crazy for it and good for them; I just wasn't a big fan.
Not only were these baby faces on the ceiling terrifying, but the bus ride to the top of the mountain was the WORST! Our bus driver drove way too fast and I was certain we were going to drive off the road.
Despite fearing for my life, I tried to enjoy our time at the top.
Love the sunlight on this one.
What is ear douche?
Uco! Exactly how I feel about spinach.
This was the servant's quarters. So quaint!
Speaking of adorbs...
I warned you there'd be a lot of kissing pictures.... 
Love these flowers.
The pool was amazing.
So beautiful.
The view from the drive down the mountain; thankfully, the bus driver back wasn't a speed demon like the first one. Still, I was so happy to back down the mountain. Good riddance!

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