Thursday, November 20, 2014

Get That Baby In My Belly

Although I typically try to stay with lighter fare on my blog and not bore you with the nitty gritty details of everyday life, sometimes I think there are times when you should share your struggles with the world, if only to make others feel less alone. 
A few months ago we found out I was pregnant, which was the best news ever. I've always wanted to have a baby and after months of trying and finally seeing a fertility specialist, we got preggers. Great news, right?
Not to bore you with all the details and stress, we found out it was not a typical pregnancy and ended up sticking in my tube. As ectopic pregnancies are highly dangerous, I was injected with not one, but two chemo shots to end it before it could burst. Needless to say, the last few months have been incredibly challenging and, thankfully, my dear, sweet husband has been amazing. I never could have survived without his constant care and attention.  
Yesterday we met with our fertility doctor to go over our options and, basically, she thinks our best bet would be to do IVF (in vitro fertilization), which is something we were considering as a "last ditch effort" if everything else didn't pan out. Due to my age and the fear that another pregnancy could get caught in the tube, she really thinks it's our best shot. I don't know what to think. I'm terrified.
We don't have to make any huge decisions this second, but we will have to devise a plan on which way to go. I have no idea what to do. IVF is so expensive and there's only a 14% chance of success. On the opposite end, getting pregnant "naturally" has only a 4% shot of success and it could end in another devastating ectopic pregnancy. Plus, it's not like we have time on our side. Each month our chances of conceiving decrease. This is torture (especially when everyone we know seems to be having babies).  

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