Sunday, November 2, 2014

Anniversary Trip, Day Two (Amazing Brunch)

We had the most incredible brunch on Sunday morning at Moonstone Beach Bar & Grill.
I'd googled "eggs benedict" in Cambria and found a bunch of comments saying that the eggs benedict at Moonstone was the best they'd ever had and I can assure you that it was completely true. I'm already wishing we were still eating it!
Our breakfast included two glasses of champagne - perfect!
Plus, you couldn't pass up the great view.
The icing on the cake was the chocolate molten lava cake we had to end our meal. It was perfection!
We've also started a new tradition. This year we held a picture of our wedding. Next year we'll hold this picture when we take a picture. Every year we'll do the same until we have pictures within pictures within pictures. So fun!

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