Monday, October 6, 2014

See This: Gone Girl

Although it's true that we had a perfectly lazy weekend, I told Keith the only thing I really wanted to do was see Gone Girl. So, first thing Saturday morning (to the discount showing, you know), off we went.
Ben Affleck is simply amazing in this film, as is Rosamund Pike. The movie takes its time setting everything up and then delivers twists and turns to keep you interested up until the very end.
While I'd never read the book, I did read spoilers, so I knew some of the twists. Still, this didn't take away from my enjoyment of the film at all. I loved it. It's creepy and mysterious and extremely well acted. Great job all around.
I made this collage featuring some of the actors with outstanding performances and then realized I have even more to add. Oh, well. This will have to do. If you get a chance, go see it!

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