Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My New Fave Drink

Without boring you with the details, yesterday was a hard and heartbreaking day. While part of me wanted to crawl in a ball and sleep forever, the other part needed a good distraction. Our friend, Christian, had invited us to see a sneak preview of an upcoming film (more on that later), so we thought it might do us some good to get out for a bit.
To start our night, we went to Olive Garden, which is always delicious. Last night, however, seemed especially delicious - it may have been our fave visit yet. And normally when they greet you at the table with some wine to taste, I decline the tasting, but last night I was intrigued with the bottle on hand - something called Roscato. Now, I love a good Moscato and I love a good red, so combining the two was like heaven on earth. Delightful!
We immediately went to Bev-Mo and bought a bottle (to be shared on our anniversary in a few weeks). Yum yum yum! Thanks, OG, for introducing us to such a great beverage.

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