Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Watch This: Red Band Society

I wasn't sure if I'd like the new Fox drama, Red Band Society, because it looked like it might be depressing. Or gimmicky. But I'm happy to tell you that this show is awesome I can't wait to see more.
The show is set in a pediatrics unit of a hospital and I guess I thought they all had cancer, but they don't. Sure, some so, but one has an eating disorder. One is in a coma. One has a heart problem. But because they're all there together, a bond is created. You find yourself rooting for them and hoping everything works out.
The kids are great, but the adults are even better. Great ensemble piece. Can't wait to see what happens next. The second episode will be shown tonight (and the premiere can be watched on Hulu for free in case you missed it). Check it out!

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