Friday, September 19, 2014

Rent This: I'm So Excited!

If you're not a fan of Pedro Almodovar's work, you don't know what you're missing. The man is a genius and his films never disappoint.
Last night Keith and I rented Almodovar's latest masterpiece, I'm So Excited!, and we totally loved it. I don't even mind the subtitles because it's all just so entertaining.
This is such a great shot from the film. It's about a bunch of passengers on a plane that is missing its landing gear and about to go down. I can't even explain to you what happens on that plane, but trust me, it's hysterical.
My fave part happened anytime these three lads were on the screen - as the stewards of the plane, they led the charge of hilarity. If you get a chance, check it out!

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